Should the company be sold as soon as possible? Then you probably only want to take measures that involve little effort and cost and can be implemented quickly and easily. Our list of suggestions is aimed at exactly this situation. The suggestions are particularly suitable for owners of small businesses who want to make their company more attractive to a buyer.

Cleaning up finances

  • Review and clean financial records to ensure they are complete and accurate.
  • Identify and reduce unnecessary expenses. Areas worth checking (regularly) are:
    • Office expenses: rent, utilities and furnishings. Ways to reduce these costs include reducing office space or switching to remote work when possible.
    • Energy costs: Energy costs can be significant. Investing in energy-efficient lighting, heating, cooling and office equipment can make sense to reduce energy consumption.
    • Material procurement: Negotiating with suppliers for better prices or conditions. Ensure there is no excess inventory that creates storage costs.
    • Personnel: Control personnel costs without compromising productivity. This can include identifying inefficient processes, optimizing team structure, or outsourcing certain tasks.
    • Marketing spend: Revamping marketing strategy to use more efficient channels and better manage the marketing budget. Analyze which marketing activities offer the best ROI.
    • Insurance: Reviewing insurance policies to ensure there is no over-insurance. Negotiate with insurance providers to reduce premiums.
    • Travel costs: If applicable, consider whether travel is truly necessary or whether video conferencing and virtual meetings offer a more cost-effective alternative.
    • Office Supplies and Supplies: Purchasing office supplies and supplies in bulk to receive volume discounts. Avoid waste.
    • Bank Fees: Review bank fees and accounts to ensure you are getting the best rates.
    • IT costs: Consolidation of software licenses, review of cloud services and server infrastructure for efficiency and costs.
    • Administrative costs: Ensure that administrative costs, such as management salaries, are appropriate and proportionate to the size of the company.
    • Advertising and Promotional Materials: Review spending on promotional materials and campaigns. Possibly. rely on more cost-effective advertising platforms and methods.

Strengthen customer loyalty

  • Contact existing customers and explore opportunities to increase business volume with them. It is important to approach contact sensitively and respectfully in order to avoid negative effects on the relationship. The goal is to provide real value and meet their needs, which promotes long-term customer loyalty. Personalized communication and a focus on the individual requirements of each customer are of great importance. Here are some steps one should follow to achieve the goal.
    • Data analysis: Analysis of existing customers’ data. This includes purchase history, previous interactions and demographic information. This makes it possible to identify customers who are most likely to be upsold or cross-sold.
    • Segmentation: To develop targeted approaches that divide customers into segments. Group customers based on their purchasing habits, interests or other relevant criteria.
    • Customer prioritization: Which customers have the greatest opportunity to increase sales? These can be customers who have already shown interest in complementary products or services.
    • Communication strategy: Develop a clear communication strategy that targets the identified customers. You can use emails, phone calls, face-to-face meetings or other communication channels that suit the target group.
    • Offers and discounts: There may be an opportunity to offer special offers or discounts to increase the incentive to purchase. This can encourage customers to purchase additional products.
    • Follow-up: Ensure that a follow-up is carried out after contacting and attempting to sell. Ask for feedback and continue to show interest in needs and concerns.
    • Measurement and evaluation: Measure and document the results of efforts to determine which approaches are most effective. Adjust the strategy accordingly if necessary.

Cost optimization

  • Can costs be reduced without compromising quality or service? This requires careful analysis and planning. Here are some tried and tested ideas on how to proceed:
    • Identify cost categories: Identify and divide into variable and fixed costs. This helps in understanding the expenses accurately.
    • Prioritizing cost categories: Which cost categories have the greatest impact on quality and service? These should be given priority as changes must be made with particular care.
    • Benchmarking: Comparing costs and processes with those of competitors or industry leaders to see if there are areas where you could be more efficient.
    • Identify savings potential: What options are there for reducing costs that do not affect quality or service? This may include:
      • Negotiating with suppliers for better prices or conditions.
      • Review and optimization of supply chain processes.
      • Introducing technology to automate tasks.
      • Increased efficiency in production or operations.
      • Reducing waste and inefficient processes.
    • Resource optimization: Make optimal use of existing resources. This may mean reassigning tasks, retraining employees, or using resources flexibly.
    • Maintain quality control: Any changes must not affect the quality of the products or services. Quality should always come first.
    • Cost-benefit analysis: Conduct cost-benefit analyzes to ensure that expected savings justify investments in cost reduction measures.

Marketing optimization

  • Marketing strategy : Is the marketing strategy up to date? Or should more efficient and cost-effective channels be used?
  • Budget optimization: Checking the marketing budget to see whether it is being used efficiently. If necessary, resources should be reallocated to focus on the most effective channels and campaigns.
  • Optimize digital marketing: Use digital marketing channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing and content marketing to increase visibility online. Investing in online ads if they are relevant to the business.
  • Use customer reviews and recommendations: Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and recommendations. This strengthens the credibility and trust of potential buyers.

Product and service improvements

  • There are various product or service improvements that can be implemented quickly and at the lowest possible cost. Here are some ideas:
    • Clearer communication: Improve communication on the website to better explain products or services and answer customer questions in advance.
    • Minor Product Updates: Make small updates or modifications to the products or services to increase their effectiveness or attractiveness. These can be, for example, changes to packaging, colors or sizes.
    • Cross-selling and upselling: Identify opportunities to cross-sell or upsell by offering related products or additional services that complement customer needs.
    • Upcycling or recycling: Where possible, implement upcycling or recycling programs for products or packaging to emphasize sustainability aspects.
    • Free resources: Offer free resources such as guides, tutorials or e-books to increase value for customers.
    • Faster delivery: If possible, optimize delivery speed or shipping options to offer customers faster delivery.


  • Create comprehensive and well-organized documentation about the company, including all relevant contracts and agreements.
  • Documenting the company structure so that a potential buyer can see how each employee, each process, etc. fits into the overall context of the company. This helps improve efficiency, productivity and organizational effectiveness.

These measures can be implemented relatively quickly and inexpensively and help make the company more attractive to potential buyers and increase the purchase price. However, it is important to consider the specific needs and goals of the sales process and ensure that all activities are consistent with this goal.